
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Morals? We Don't Need No Stinking Morals!
Resetting the Moral Compass

Resetting the moral compass? Not possible. You have to have morals to start with in order to rest them. Politicians are regularly paid by special interest groups to act like they have morals. But no person who has studied the actions of politicians can possibly believe that any politician with any power has any morals.

After the Democratic rout in Massachussets, Barack Hussein Obama is finally starting to make noises like he cares about the country. But if Barack Hussein Obama cared about the economy, he would have actually saved the economy. Instead Barack Hussein Obama bailed out the special interest groups and lied to the country that this saved the country.

The article then goes on to talk about the government complaining about risky behavior of the banks. Insidiously ignoring the fact that the government is complaining about the behavior that was forced on the banks by the government.

A number of years ago it was considered racist to not allow minority people and others who couldn't afford homes to buy homes. So the federal government made all kinds of rules and regulations forcing banks to loan to people who couldn't repay the loans. NINJA - No Income, No Job, or Assets. No bank wanted to get stuck with bad loans, so the federal government again stepped in and allowed the banks to sell off the bad loans before they became bad. Eventually these loan ended up spread out throughout the whole financial sector of the economy. Guess what? In these rough economic times, vast numbers of these loans are being defaulted on. Do you think this is helping the current economic crisis?

Now the government is complaining that the banks took risky behavior?

The banks were only following orders. From the government. Now the government is complaining that this problem was caused by not enough regulation of the banks. And the government is now going to punish the banks for their past bad behavior and are going to adopt even more regulation so that this doesn't happen again.

Do you see a flaw in this logic?

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