
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Health Care: Post Awful Style, Or Infernal Revenue Service Style.
The Case for Postal-Style Healthcare
You've heard the refrain: If the government ran healthcare, it would be just like the U.S. Postal Service. And nobody wants that. ... It provides a basic service that's not available from the private sector.

It is a good thing that "journalists" are not required to research their stories, or think about their stories before they write them, or they might not be able to write their slanted puff pieces praising the government without looking more stupid and biased than they already do.

The real reason why FedEx, UPS, and other delivery services DON'T deliver mail, is that it is against the law. Back when the federal government decided to get into the mail delivery service, they found they were unable to compete with the existing services. So they made it illegal for anyone other than the federal government to deliver mail. And as politicians normally do, the loopholes are always bigger than the laws. So the government didn't make it illegal for other services to deliver packages. Any package delivery service that exists today, does so because of that loophole.

This "journalist" goes on to compare the U.S. Postal Service (which doesn't have good customer service-does the term going postal mean anything to you) to other businesses that don't have great customer service. What he leaves out of that comparison is that none of the other businesses require an annual government bailout to stay in business.

This "journalist" goes on to say that it would require a major effort to build an organization to deliver mail in 3 days or less. This completely ignores the fact that most of these delivery services already deliver 5 days a week, and deliver most packages in 2 days or less.

This "journalist" goes on to compare for profit airlines with not for profit rail system. Completely ignoring the fact that the airlines are so heavily regulated they may as well be owned by the government. And lets not forget that thanks to government protection services, it now takes longer to get on board an airplane than it takes to fly to many destinations.

This "journalist" goes on to say that if the government run health care is so bad that nobody wants to use it, that you can go elsewhere. Ignoring the fact that if everyone goes elsewhere the government is likely to make going elsewhere illegal. And even if the government doesn't make it illegal, you have already paid for health care with the government, and you now need to pay again to go somewhere else. Since the Health Care Deform bill taxes the people who can afford insurance to pay for the people who can't afford insurance, the people who can't afford insurance won't have any choice to but to accept second rate care from third rate government staff.

A more honest appraisal of government run health care would be to compare it to the Infernal Revenue Service rather then the Post Awful. The Infernal Revenue Service makes lots of mistakes. The Infernal Revenue Service is under funded. The Infernal Revenue Service runs very slowly. The Infernal Revenue Service has the worst customer service of any organization on the planet. The Infernal Revenue Service proudly proclaims that they answer the phone for 70% of the people who call. And let us not forget, that NOBODY wants any service that the Infernal Revenue Service can provide.

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