
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Liberals / Democrats / Communists Don't Know How To React To Global Warming Filmmaker Who Slammed Democrats And Unions In Latest Films.
Schools documentary could score with Republicans
"Waiting for Superman," the latest documentary from the director of "An Inconvenient Truth," chronicles the sorry state of the U.S. public education system, premiered recently at the Sundance Film Festival.
... there does seem to be a clear villain in "Superman," and it's the various Democrat-supported teachers unions that the film presents as the most powerful and entrenched impediment to real education reform.

The liberals / democrats / communists that run the United States are upset. Normally they would start a smear campaign against someone for making a film that blames the Democrats and unions for the problems with the educational system. Their problem is that the director of "Waiting for Superman" is also the directory of "An Inconvenient Truth", which all liberals / democrats / communists love.

So, they don't know what to do.

They can't discreet the man because he already did something they love. But they want to discredit the man for doing something they hate. And if they discredit the man for doing what the hate, it reflects badly on what he did for something they love.

If the liberals / democrats / communists weren't already crazy, this situation drive them crazy.

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