
Friday, January 15, 2010

Obama Pretends To Get Tough With The Banking Industry.
Obama Unveils $90 Billion Bank Tax With Sharp Words

Evidently Barack Hussein Obama likes talking tough. At least his teleprompter seems to. He certainly doesn't like acting tough. He is soft on third world dictators (he hates America and wants to be friends of any and all dictators). He is soft on terrorists (he is afraid to offend his Muslim brethren). He is soft on corrupt politicians (he has to, he bribes them whenever he feels it necessary). He is soft on wall street looters (he was simply replaying their campaign contributions).

Of course Barack Hussein Obama wants large taxes on any banks that accepted his bribe. None of the banks contributed to his election campaign, so he wants to punish them for it. Because Barack Hussein Obama hates capitalism, he specifically wrote into the stimulus / bailout bill that wall street could pay their typical bonuses with the bailout money. This allowed Barack Hussein Obama to pretend outrage at the wall street financial institutions actions. Which was perfect for Barack Hussein Obama who now has very visible ammunition to continue with his campaign against capitalism, and the destruction of America.

How can I possible say that Barack Hussein Obama is a fraud and a hypocrite?


When Barack Hussein Obama loaned Government Motors money, he forced the leader to resign, and forced the company to do what nobody in the company wanted to do, build green cars.

What did Barack Hussein Obama do when wall street financial wizards wanted to borrow money? He not only gave them money, but he wrote into the bailout bill that the financial wizards could pay themselves their regular bonuses. Nobody has been forced to quit, nobody has been punished for destroying their business and the economy.

Aren't you glad Barack Hussein Obama is looking out for the best interests of the wall street financial wizards at the expense of the American public?

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