
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lies, damned lies, and anything Barack Hussein Obama says.
President Obama slams obstructionist Republicans at GOP issues retreat
He (Barack Hussein Obama) skewered Republicans for obstructionist tactics, dubious facts and a lack of civility in opposing his domestic agenda, especially health care reform.

Why is it surprising to Barack Hussein Obama that the Republican opposition is using the same tactics that Barack Hussein Obama is using.

Barack Hussein Obama is very uncivil to anyone who disagrees with him. Any news organization that disagrees with Barack Hussein Obama is treated as if they are not a news organization. Look how Barack Hussein Obama treated a policemen who was doing his job as he was supposed to.

Barack Hussein Obama doesn't stoop to dubious facts, he resorts to fraud and outright lies. The bailout / stimulus plan had to be enacted immediately or the country would collapse. The bill was enacted immediately and the country has collapsed. The Health Care Deform bill was written behind closed doors with the help of Democrats and special interest groups. Barack Hussein Obama is claiming that this is proof positive that his new transparency in government and bipartisanship efforts are working.
"If you were to listen to the debate and, frankly, how some of you went after this bill, you'd think that this thing was some Bolshevik plot," Obama told the GOP issues retreat after unveiling a proposal for $33 billion in small-business tax incentives.

The Health Care Deform bill is a Bolshevik plot. As a communist, Barack Hussein Obama ought to know a Bolshevik plot when he creates one. It has been estimated that the health care industry is about 1/6th of the American economy. Barack Hussein Obama's Health Care Deform bill will allow the federal government to take over the health care industry.
"You've given yourselves very little room to work in a bipartisan fashion because what you've been telling your constituents is, this guy is doing all kinds of crazy stuff that's going to destroy America," Obama said, his face appearing to tighten in anger.

The truth hurts.

Barack Hussein Obama is destroying America. The bailout / stimulus bill was created so that anyone who contributed to his presidential campaign and had a failing business would get billions. Any failing company that didn't contribute to his presidential campaign was allowed to fail. Barack Hussein Obama lied when he claimed the bailout / stimulus plan saved the economy. Since his last bailout / stimulus plan caused millions of people to lose their jobs and their homes I am afraid of what his next bailout / stimulus package will do.

When the underwear bomber was stopped by passengers on the plane, the first response by the Department of Homeland Security and the White House Press department was to state that this is proof positive that the security measures implemented by this country are working. Covering up incompetence does NOT seem to me to be a good response to a semi-successful Muslim terrorist attack.
"I may not agree to a tax cut for Warren Buffett," he demurred. "You may be calling for an across-the-board tax cut for the banking industry right now. I may not agree to that.

Barack Hussein Obama claims he will not give Warren Buffett and the banking industry any tax cuts. However, Barack Hussein Obama already gave them all the bailout / stimulus package so they can continue to make stupid mistakes that lose them lots of money while not hurting their lifestyle.

No wonder Barack Hussein Obama is so upset with the Republicans. They don't want to put up with Barack Hussein Obama's deceit and lies. And they have shown some resistance to the bribes being offered to Democrat supporters.

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