
Monday, January 18, 2010

Fork In Mouth Disease Rampant In Young.
Federal Panel Urges Obesity Screening for Kids Ages 6 and Up

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) want to screen very young children for obesity. But they want women to wait an additional 10 years before starting to screen for breast cancer.

Is this part of the Health Care Deform bill oozing it's way through the bowels of the congress? It might be. The government claims the Health Care Deform bill will help save money. They might be right. I think it is less expensive to treat children over 2 years old for obesity than it would be to treat women for breast cancer. It is more expensive to care for cancer patients than young obese patients.

Let's hear it for the government savings from the Health Care Deform bill.

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