
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Obama Back To Doing What He Does Best. Campaign For Hope And Change And Deliver Neither.
Obama Stakes Prestige Again, on High-Stakes Massachusetts Race

Barack Hussein Obama is going to Massachusetts to campaign for the Democratic candidate.

The Republicans are remembering that when Barack Hussein Obama went to New Jersey and Virginia to campaign for the Democrats, the Democrats lost. The Republicans are hoping that Barack Hussein Obama will provide the same magic touch which will allow the Republicans to win.

Barack Hussein Obama feels his visit will help the Democratic candidate. Barack Hussein Obama spouts rhetoric that the Republicans support banks and the insurance industry while the Democratic candidate supports the people.

Despite the Barack Hussein Obama rhetoric, the voters may have noticed that Barack Hussein Obama claims to have saved the economy a year ago, and yet since then millions of Americans have lost their jobs. Since then Barack Hussein Obama started a program to provide relief to homeowners, and now millions of people have lost their homes. The stimulus / bailout plan that was supposed to have saved the economy allowed the wall street wizards to pay themselves the bonuses they would have gotten if they hadn't made colossal blunders. Barack Hussein Obama has been using all kinds of dirty tricks to the passage of the Health Care Deform bill, including bribery to get the political support he needs for passage.

I am beginning to think that if Barack Hussein Obama wants the Democratic candidate to win, he needs to campaign for the Republican candidate.

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