
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Democrats Know What You Want. Even If You Don't Want It.
Tight Massachusetts race alarms California Dems

The Democrats are wondering if they lose the election in Massachusetts does that mean that they have somehow missed what the majority of Americans want?

The Democrats have concluded that it can't mean that, because the Democrats are currently representing the interests of the people and have always represented the interests of the people (at least the people who bribe them). So the Democrats will continue to give the American people what the Obamunists want to give the people. Higher taxes. Fewer jobs. More homelessness. You know, hope and change.

In spite of claiming they are doing what the American people want, the Democrats are trying to pretend they are not baffled about what the American people want.


Democrat Nancy Pelosi said Democrats will continue to pound "Main Street" issues, like bailouts for Wall Street Wizards (with no congressional oversight), bribing politicians and unions to support Health Care Deform, junkets to foreign cities for relatives and friends, ... Democrat Nancy Pelosi said Democrats will continue to lie about what Republicans stand for and what Republicans support.

So the Democrats will continue to vote for increased taxes for anyone who still has a job, and increased taxes for anyone who doesn't have health insurance, and raises for themselves for doing such a good job of understanding what the people want.

Who could ask for anything more?

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