
Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Can America Learn From Yemen?
Yemen halts entry visas at airports over Qaeda threat

Yemen is currently having a "man-made" disaster problem. For all you politically correct people. For the rest of you who want to know what is really happening, Yemen is currently having a terrorist problem.

Yemen is tired of terrorists flying into their country. What is their solution? Stop allowing anyone to fly in. If anyone wants to fly into their country, they must be passed by security authorities.

The United States has millions of people that are suspected terrorist supporters on questionable lists. But less than 2,000 people are on lists that are supposed to prevent them from entering this country. Unless their name gets misspelled. Or they fly to another country first. Or they are a personal friend of Barack Hussein Obama or any other dictator this country is trying to be friendly with.

The United States could put all the suspected terrorist supporters on the do not fly list, and thus make life a little more safe than it currently is for frequent fliers.

But the United States won't ban terrorists or terrorists supporters from flying. Because of incompetence in government security agencies, someone might end up on the do not fly list that doesn't belong there. And if any suicide bomber hasn't managed to set off his first bomb, we would be taking away his right to attack the United States. And the federal government is very careful not to abuse the rights of criminals and terrorists.

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