
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Escalating Bank Failures Constitute Proof The Economy Was Saved A Year Ago.
Five Banks Fail; Year's Total at 9

9 banks have failed so far in 2010.

Unemployment continues to climb. Home foreclosures continue to climb. Bank failures continue to climb. It is a good thing that Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy a year ago.

I shudder to think what shape the United States would be in if the economy hadn't been saved. In fact, based on these results, the stimulus / bailout worked so well, that we need to do it again this year. Unfortunately, Barack Hussein Obama is running out of Wall Street Wizards to bail out, so he won't know what to do with any money he might earmark for this project. Of course, he could just set up a slush fund for his private discretion to use as he sees fit. Considering how well Barack Hussein Obama has done so far in saving the economy, he needs to be able to continue to cut back room deals without any oversight to continue with the progress he has made so far.

Aren't you glad you can live in a country that allows you to own your own cardboard box, and collect food stamps while discussing how good a job the current regime has done so far?

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