
Friday, January 15, 2010

Is There Any Individual Or Organization Obama Won't Bribe To Get Support For Health Care Deform?
ObamaCare's latest bribe

Who did Barack Hussein Obama have to bribe this time and how much did he have to pay to get additional support for the Health Care Deform Bill?

Part of the Health Care Deform Bill is a 40% tax on your existing health care insurance. Unless you are a member of a union. Any union. The newest bribe to get supporters for his Health Care Deform Bill is an exemption to the unions on the tax on existing health care.

At least until 2018. Which will be long after Barack Hussein Obama has been forced out of office. And since Barack Hussein Obama won't be in office, he couldn't care less what happens to American and Americans. Unless Barack Hussein Obama is caught doing something more treasonous than he is currently doing, he will get a free ride for the rest of his life. Just like all the communist and third world dictators that he so looks up to.

Welcome to Chicago style politics (bribery and corruption) courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama!

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