
Thursday, January 21, 2010

The United States Determines That "Freedom Of Religion" Allows Muslim Terrorists To Quote From The Qur’an While Shooting American Soldiers.
Michigan weapons company Trijicon takes flak over soldiers' rifle scopes branded with Bible verses

U.S. military rules prohibit soldiers from proselytizing while serving in uniform.

Is it proselytizing to have a page number from the bible printed on any product? Sniper scope? Bullet? Boot? Food package?

Is it proselytizing if a Muslim suicide bomber quotes the Qur’an while setting off his explosives?

I don't know.

Evidently some individuals believe it is bad policy to allow the printing of Bible page numbers on weapon scopes.

The United States military doesn't have a problem with Muslims who are openly antagonistic to non-Muslims working in the United States military and who think that killing non-Muslims is a moral course of action.

It is just so difficult to know where the line is.

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