
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why Are So Many College Professors Communists?
Professor Is a Label That Leans to the Left

A recent study says that the reputation (typecasting) of a field attracts like minded individuals. Which means that the nursing profession attracts women. College and University teaching attracts communists. Political work attracts corrupt and immoral individuals.

Although typecasting partially explains why some many communists become teachers, it is not the only explanation. Some of the other explanations are that communists like to have advanced degrees (I am not sure why, as none seem capable of independent thought). Communists have non-conservative religions (or none at all). Communist like controversial ideas (anything that will upset everyone else). Communists like living in poverty (until they started joining unions and found out that poverty sucks).

And I thought most people who went into teaching did so because they were unable to get any other kind of job to support themselves.

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