
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shrinking Businesses Keep Up With Shrinking Labor Force.
Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

Good New: The number of people on unemployment is dropping.

Bad News: The reason the number of people on unemployment is dropping, is that their benefits have run out (even with the extensions) and they have given up looking for work (which no longer exists).

Better News: The government can now claim that the economy is improving because fewer people are on unemployment.

Worse News: Now matter how much money the government pays economists to lie and say the economy is improving, the rising number of people losing their jobs and their homes are still having trouble believing the economy is getting better.

A recession is when you neighbor is out of work.
A depression is when you are out of work.
A growing number of people believe we are in the beginning of what will turn out to be a greater depression than we had back in the 1930s.

Unlike in the great depression of the 1930s, American no longer has a manufacturing base which needs employees. Thanks to the green policies and the anti-business environment of the current and previous administrations, most of America's productive capacity has been shipped overseas.

The only jobs likely to come back in the private sector are likely to be minimum wage "may I take your order please" jobs.

The only jobs the government is creating in the public sector are minimum wage "may I take your bomb please" security jobs.

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