
Friday, January 8, 2010

Cuba Complains: They Are Being Penalized For Acting The Same Way America Is Acting.
Angry Cuba demands removal from U.S. terrorism list

Barack Hussein Obama, who never met a dictator who he didn't like, but never did anything for anyone except himself, is starting to get criticized by all his (dictator) friends. Cuba is finally starting to say that it is time for Barack Hussein Obama to put up or shut up. If Barack Hussein Obama is really the friend to dictatorships that he claims to be, then he needs to take Cuba off the U.S. Terrorist List.

Cuba argues that America is harboring just as many (if not more) terrorists than Cuba is. Just because Barack Hussein Obama doesn't want to call Nidal Malik Hasan a terrorist, doesn't change the fact that Nidal Malik Hasan is a terrorist. So if Cuba has a few terrorists either visiting or living in Cuba, they are not doing anything that America is not doing.

Cuba argues that America is oppressing their citizens as much as Cuba is. Right now Barack Hussein Obama is rushing to have universal health care for everyone in America. Cuba already has universal health care. Everyone in Cuba has the same health care as everyone else. No health care at all.

Cuba argues that America is doing their best to restrict Americans ability to travel. Right now Barack Hussein Obama is pretending he is concerned with security and is working towards strip searching every citizen who wants to travel. Cuba has had travel restrictions for a long time. Cuba doesn't even need to make it unpleasant for citizens. They just make it illegal for anyone except party leaders to travel.

So what is Barack Hussein Obama waiting for?

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