
Friday, January 8, 2010

Global Warming Causing The New Ice Age.
Icy hazards persist through US, deep into South

"ATLANTA – Snow and blustery winds blew into the already-frigid East on Friday and a deep freeze settled into the Deep South, making highways especially hazardous in a region unaccustomed to the chilly temperatures."

"With temperatures on the Texas-Mexico border descending near freezing Thursday night, ..."

In the past, the Associated Press used some of their internal staff that had been brainwashed into believing global warming to analyze the e-mails of the "scientists" that were perpetrating the global warming hoax by falsifying data, losing data, ... Their conclusion was that falsifying data, losing data, ... and other shady and unethical behavior is perfectly appropriate for "scientists". In other words, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, and looks like a duck and smells like a duck, it is an elephant.

So when the Associated Press reporters wrote this story about the extreme and unexpected cold that was reaching into the south east parts of the United States, they had to do it in a way that wouldn't contradict their global warming excuse that the liar-in-chief is using to punish the American citizens with his crap and tax (I mean cap and trade) bill.

Isn't it good to know that we can trust the basic dishonesty of the people reporting the news to serve whatever demagogue they happen to support?

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