
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Obama Promises He Will NOT Outsource The Presidency.
Obama Refocuses on Jobs After Weak Labor Report

After being forced to accept blame for the failure of the American security system to protect American citizens from foreign terrorists, Barack Hussein Obama is looking forward to accepting blame for saving the economy while not saving any jobs.

Fortunately, Barack Hussein Obama, because he has never worked a day in his life (I don't count working for criminal organizations like ACORN, or accepting bribes as a political hack in Chicago as work), is able to truthfully say things like "we will create the jobs of the future, jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced". While I have never visited Planet Obama (and I wish I was not being railroaded there), on planet earth, there is not any single job that can't be outsourced.

Don't illegal aliens do most of the labor intensive jobs in this country? Isn't that outsourcing?

When was the last time you called tech support for any product? I very much doubt you were speaking to a person located in the United States.

When was the last time you purchased any product? I would be very surprised if it didn't have a Made in China label somewhere on it.

What makes Green Jobs immune to outsourcing? Because Barack Hussein Obama says so? Barack Hussein Obama claimed to have saved the economy last year? The number of people losing their homes is climbing and expected to climb for the next few years. The number of people who are losing their jobs is climbing. The number who have given up hope of finding a job is climbing. If this is what saving an economy looks like, I would hate to see what a failing economy looks like.

Does this really sound like some one who has a grasp on how the economy works?

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