
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Republicans Upset They Can't Express Racists Remarks Without Getting Punished.
Harry Reid taking heat for Obama remarks

Republicans are idiots. There are a lot of reasons to hate Democrats. Being racists just doesn't measure up when compared to making friends with foreign dictators, ignoring the terrorist threats to this country, bribing politicians to vote for legislation that is bad for this country, subverting the constitution of the United States, ...

What is the big deal about a Democratic politician being caught off the record being a racist? The whole democratic party is racist. Why else would they support a presidential candidate who's only qualification for office is the ability to read words off a teleprompter and be black. Their candidate's other qualifications for high political office were covered up by the rest of the racist press and Democratic party. Like learning to be a politician in Chicago (which invented dirty politics and dirty politicians), like being a member of and continuing to support a criminal organization, like being friends with terrorists, like going to church for 20 years and never listening to the anti-American sermons, like being a communist (and thus hating the political structure of America), like ...

The current racist-in-chief is always publicly berating white cops who arrest black men, and then apologizing afterwards with a beer summit. The racist-in-chief is always apologizing for Muslim terrorists and asking that the American people give the terrorists one more chance.

The United States has been, currently is, and will always be racist as long as the political party in power can oppress minorities (or majorities) as long as they want, and then feel like passing a law favoring one minority (over another minority or majority) evens things out.

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