
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Washington (D.C.) District Of Criminals Has Found Yet Another Way To Rip Off Citizens.
D.C. bags wasteful shopping habit with tax on paper and plastic

There will now be a 5 cent bag fee if you don't bring your own bag when you go shopping. In an effort to convince businesses to comply with yet another outrageous assault on the citizens ability to support themselves, any store that charges the 5 cent bag fee, will be allowed to keep 1 or 2 cents of the fee. Evidently the amount to be retained by the store is a secret, or the government hasn't yet decided how much the government to make off of this. Even so, the government estimates they will make millions in the first year the tax is in place.

The criminals in charge claim that plastic bags cause pollution. My question is, if the plastic bags are causing pollution, then why will this fee be charged for the use of paper bags?

The criminals in charge claim the fee will be used to clean up the pollution on a specific stretch of river.


How do I know this fee is a fraud and a hoax?

Let me think, how much does it cost to clean up a stretch of river?

Nowhere in the article was anything mentioned about a contract or service that would be used for cleaning up the river. You can bet, that if there is no plan to clean up the river, it will not be cleaned up.

Nowhere in the article was any amount quoted as being needed. If they don't know how much they need, how will they know when they have enough? You can bet they will never have enough. Have you ever heard of any tax being repealed?

The government claims the money will be used to clean up the river. Why should we believe them. Once the government has the money there is no way to force them to use it for what it was collected for. Here in California, a number of years ago, the state lottery was instituted to help supplement the funds for education. It was real easy for the governmnet to get out of that. The government just reduced the amount of other funding used for education, thus leaving the education system with less money than they started with. Today in California, there is a state highway tax charged on every dollar of gasoline sold. Because that money is earmarked for highway maintenance, the California Legislature will soon be repealing that tax, and replacing it with a fee (not a tax) that is not earmarked for highway maintenance. See how easy it is to get around an tax for a specific project?

Don't you love creative verbiage usage that the elected criminals believe justifies anything they want to do?

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