
Monday, March 22, 2010

Big Government Wins, Individuals Lose.
Thousands of Doctors May Quit Medicine Over Obamacare
Nearly one-third of physicians in the U.S. could leave the medical profession after Obama's healthcare reform plan becomes law, according to a survey published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Who is a bigger liar? Is it the doctors surveyed by the New England Journal of Medicine? Or is it Barack Hussein Obama?

Many doctors claim they will quit or retire early if this Health Care Deform bill passes. The bill passed. Now we get to see if the doctors in New England quit or retire in droves.

Barack Hussein Obama said the Health Care Deform bill will reform the medical profession. Barack Hussein Obama is a liar. Every fair and impartial reading of the Health Care Deform bill, understand that it will destroy the medical profession as we know it today.
Allow me to emphasize that 96 percent of the physicians surveyed in our report are in favor of health reform, in some form or fashion, Andrea Santiago, a spokeswomen for The Medicus Firm, told CNSNews. To me, the fact that so many physicians surveyed want health reform, but relatively few are in favor of the current legislation, was one of the most significant, telling results.

If 96% of all doctors say health care reform is needed, but 96% of all doctors opposed the Health Care Deform bill, then maybe the bill is not about medical care reform. It is about increasing the size of the government so that it can monitor and dictate more of an individuals actions.

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