Obama takes hard-sell health pitch to Pa.
President Obama stepped up pressure Monday on his fellow Democrats to retool the nation's health care system, decrying those who put politics above policy.
Barack Hussein Obama is stepping up his big lie about the Health Care Deform Bill he wants to ram down America's throat. Barack Hussein Obama spouting that he puts policy above politics is like Adolf Hitler saying he doesn't hate Jews. Barack Hussein Obama's support of the stimulus (welfare for the wealthy) bill is 100% politics. The stimulus (welfare for the wealthy) bill paid off his political supporters, and did absolutely nothing to save the economy. If anything, it convinced the business men that Barack Hussein Obama was following through on his threat to switch America from a capitalistic economy to a communist economy. And letting businesses fail is a major part of the communist economic plan. Why do you think Barack Hussein Obama and his minions went on their "Brainwash America" tour trying to convince the American public that even though millions of jobs have been permanently lost, millions of people are losing their homes, and millions of businesses are closing down that we are really in the middle of an economic recovery?
Why do you think that Barack Hussein Obama wants the government to take over the health care industry? With the rest of the economy disappearing, and with the 16% of the economy that the health industry represents, Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen will end up with control of more than 50% of the economy.
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