Illegal Hispanic immigration is undermining American values
Most alarming, today’s influx of poor Latin American immigrants comes from countries less than congenial to democracy, a law-based society, or public education. Many experts look with alarm on the fact that, unlike earlier European and Asian immigrants, the tsunami from the south too often undervalues educating children because many Hispanic parents resent the idea that their children will have more education than they have. In 2000, only 25 percent of working-age male Mexican immigrants had graduated high school, a sad fact that contributes to an increasingly volatile underclass.
Then the illegal Hispanic immigrants should fit right in here in America.
With the quality of the American education system, there is not much difference between those attending and those not attending school. You can now easily graduate from high school without being able to read or write in any language. Because of political correctness, it is racist to deny illiterates their place in college classes along side people who have worked and studied for years and can actually benefit from a higher education. With all the free services (health care, welfare, ...) offered to the uneducated who can't find work, they are able to breed the next generation of uneducated who won't be able to find work.
As far as disrespect for the law and the government, the illegal Hispanic immigrants should fit right in. The current president and congress show contempt for the law and the government, so the illegal Hispanic immigrants should prove instrumental in keeping the current criminal class in power in the white house and the congress and senate.
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