
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obama And His Minions Look Forward To Continued Job Losses To Maintain Another Year Of 10% Unemployment.
Obama Aides See Jobless Rate Elevated for ‘Extended Period’

It has been more than a year since Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy.

After Barack Hussein Obama performed his miracle of saving the economy, an uncounted number of businesses failed. After Barack Hussein Obama performed his miracle of saving the economy, the national unemployment rate skyrocketed above 10%, and millions of people lost their jobs permanently (the lack of businesses caused a lack of jobs). After Barack Hussein Obama performed his miracle of saving the economy, more than 25% of the people who are paying on mortgages are facing losing their homes (the lack of jobs is causing a lack of mortgage payments).

The Barack Hussein Obama economists pray to Allah that the unemployment problem won't get worse. But as good socialists, they can't do anything to fix the problem, until the entire capitalist economic model of the United States has been broken. At which point they will fix it by replacing it with the socialist economic model (the government either owns everything, or the government ruins everything). So all the government economists can do is ask the millions who are currently unemployed, and the millions more who will become unemployed to be patient for everything to work out.

Aren't you glad that Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy? Aren't you glad that Barack Hussein Obama now has the time to focus on fixing health care?

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