
Monday, March 22, 2010

Smoking: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime. England's Hypocrites Learn From American Hypocrites.
Smoking ban rebel landlord is jailed
A PUB landlord has been jailed after refusing to pay fines imposed when he defied the smoking ban.

Do I understand this correctly?

It is legal to buy cigarettes. It is legal to smoke cigarettes at home. It is legal to smoke cigarettes on the street. It is legal to smoke cigarettes in any public place that is open to the elements. It is only illegal to smoke cigarettes in an enclosed public place (bar, restaurant, office, ...).

This is great news for the police state. At one stroke, the government has made all citizens the enforcement arm of the police state. And they have given the police state an excuse to have law enforcement officials positioned in every enclosed public building in the land.

I wonder how many enforcement officers the police state will need to add to enforce this law?

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