
Thursday, March 18, 2010

California Lawbreakers. Trust Me! Why Would I Lie To You?
AP Enterprise: Calif lawmakers' travel data secret

In fact, everything politicians do is secret.

Don't you know yet, that democracy can't work if the public can see what the politicians are doing. Why do you think there are so many back room deals, and under the table payoffs of politicians. How can a politician possibly put his mistress on the payroll if there is public (and his wife's) scrutiny of his actions? How can a politician possibly visit his mistress in a foreign country if the public (and his wife) knows what he is doing? How can a politician accept a bribe from an organization that he is supposed to be regulating if the public can possibly find out about it.

Why, politicians might be forced to be honest and actually do something for the people who voted for them, rather than the special interests that bribed them before the election with campaign contributions and after the election with additional payoffs.

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