
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama's Final Lie Before Sunday Vote On Health Care Deform Bill.
Obama makes final case on Capitol Hill; Democrats ditch 'deem and pass'
"If you agree that the system is not working for ordinary families, if you've heard the same stories that I've heard everywhere, all across the country, then help us fix the system," Obama said.

It is lying time again at the Red White House.

Actually, as long as Barack Hussein Obama is liar-in-chief, it will always be lying time at the Red White House. All the anecdotal stories that Barack Hussein Obama uses in his speeches (which he claims to have heard all across the country) are all lies made up for him by his maximum wage sycophants and bear as much relation to the truth as the "Student Loan Overhaul" does to health care. Which was probably why the "Student Loan Overhaul" was unnaturally jammed into the Health Care Deform bill.
Obama's speech came just hours after Democratic leaders decided to abandon the controversial legislative mechanism know as "deem and pass" to avoid a direct vote on the health care legislation.

Evidently, even as evil and stupid as the typical bribe taking democratic politicians are, they managed to figure out that if they subvert the constitution of the United States to get around having to vote for the Health Care Deform Bill, they would likely face a backlash that they might not like.
"We have been debating health care for decades," Obama said. "It has now been debated for a year. It is in your hands. It is time to pass health care for Americans and I am confident that you are going to do it tomorrow."

Too bad there is no health care bill to vote on.

There is only the Health Care Deform bill. The Health Care Deform bill will cause massive increase in taxes. The Health Care Deform bill won't provide any benefits to the uninsured until years after Barack Hussein Obama is thrown out of office. The Health Care Deform bill will cause all the insurance companies to stop issuing new health insurance policies. The Health Care Deform bill cause doctors to stop accepting clients that can't actually pay for their health care (the doctors will stop accepting health insurance clients). And if the insurance companies are actually held to the terms of the Health Care Deform bill, this will cause all the insurance companies to face bankruptcy. Which will force the federal company to become the only health insurance company in the United States.
One undecided congressman said Friday that he refused to answer a phone call from the White House until he finalized his voting decision.

That makes sense. Based on the size of the bribes the that were handed out to vote for this obamanation last time, all the congressmen who haven't decided which way to vote, are busy contemplating how much of a bribe they will require to act against their better judgement, to act against their constituents and to act against the will of the American people.
"Not only does it reduce the deficit, we pay for it responsibly in ways that the other side of the aisle -- that talks about fiscal responsibility but doesn't seem to be able to walk the walk -- can't claim when it comes to their prescription drug bill," Obama said Saturday in a jab at Republicans.

Not only does it turn my stomach to read and hear the lies that Barack Hussein Obama has been spouting about the Health Care Deform bill, for a while it looked like Barack Hussein Obama had managed to convince most of the democratic congressmen to subvert the constitution and pretend they had passed the health care bill as part of the pork barrel products they wanted to include in this bill that the senate didn't want to include.

I am amazed that the mass media lets Barack Hussein Obama get away claiming that the Health Care Deform bill is fiscally responsible. What do you call a bill that raises taxes now, but benefits won't start for years (if ever)? Would you call it a balanced budget bill that claims it will spend trillions covering expenses for health care (and a whole new bureaucracy), but will only raise billions from the new taxes it imposes? What do you call a bill that claims to reign in the cost of insurance, but does nothing to prevent the rise of cost of medical care? Fraud is the nicest word that comes to mind.
"We are making sure that the system of private insurance works for ordinary families," he (Obama) said, calling the legislation a "patient's bill of rights on steroids" and "the toughest insurance reform in history."

Calling the Health Card Deform bill insurance reform is FRAUD on a grand scale.

Do you know why insurance rates are going up? Insurance rates are going up because the cost of medical care is going up. Every time any doctor is sued for malpractice and loses, the insurance rates of all the doctors raises. Every time the government steps into the health care industry with more regulation, the cost of medical care skyrockets. Any time the government pays for the actual health care (medical, medicare, ...), the time and cost to prepare the paperwork for reimbursement, and the delay in collecting whatever small pittance the government believes is appropriate, cost the doctor money.

It doesn't take a 2,000 or 3,000 page bill to reform the industry. It does take that (and more) for the government to take over the health care industry.

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