
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa To Force Everyone To Leave California To Reduce Unemployment And Effect On Environment.
Battle may be looming over DWP rate hike
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa pitched his latest plan Monday to create jobs and boost solar energy use through a DWP rate hike, but one city councilman and other critics said it was no time to ask customers to pay more.

I wish I was taking the same drugs that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is taking.

I would love to believe in "Global Warming". I would love to believe that a flat lining economy is improved by adding additional tax burdens. I would love to believe that a flat lining economy is improved by adding additional rules and regulations to existing and new businesses.

Unfortunately it is all lies. Fortunately for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, he is talking out of his A$$. If he had actually done any studies, he would have had to knowingly lie about the effects of his plans to destroy Los Angeles for anyone with a job. As it stands now, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has plausible deniability. Since he hasn't done any studies, he can play dumb and claim he thought he was telling the truth. And he can claim he is not aware of any studies that say otherwise.

All the studies done so far have shown that raising taxes reduces the number of jobs. As it is, businesses are leaving California in record numbers. Raising taxes only encourages business (as well as fed up individuals) to leave California for a state with a more equitable tax structure. All the studies done so far have shown that the green energy movement increases the cost of energy while reducing the number of jobs.
"(But) we will place every penny into a renewable energy and efficiency trust fund. This lock-box will create a level of transparency and accountability that has, quite frankly, been missing from the DWP's renewable plan."

If you believe that ANY government agency will create a lock-box then I have some beachfront property in Antarctica you might be interested in buying.

No government, EVER, has displayed any kind of "transparency and accountability" in any way, shape or form. Government can't function under direct sunlight. Like the vampire that it is, government can only work when the slaves citizens don't know what is going on. Otherwise the citizens are likely to revolt, just like they did back in 1776 in this country.

Social Security was originally supposed to be a lock-box program. The government was supposed to save and invest all the money people were paying into social security to make sure there would always be enough to pay out. Don't you know it, when the federal government ran short of funds, the first thing the federal government did was loot the social security lock-box (no point in leaving all that money sitting around and doing nothing).

So, in conclusion, no government is capable of keeping their hands off of lock-box funds. Raising taxes reduces the number of jobs, not increased. Government doesn't understand how to promote business and improve the lives of the slaves citizens. So government has no clue on how to invest in green energy platform which only increases the amount of taxes and reduces the number of jobs available.

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