EDITORIAL: Reform efforts could bring change to state budget system
Lawmakers could approve a budget by a simple majority, rather than the current two-thirds vote requirement, and would forfeit their pay for failing to meet the constitutional deadline for approving the budget.
This legislation, like most legislation that gets passed is deeply flawed, and incredibly misleading.
It sounds good until you look at it closely. The legislature is hoping that you get confused by the comment about forfeiting pay if the budget is not passed. But that is like saying that the politicians will forfeit their pay if the sun doesn't shine. It will never happen, and if it actually does, then there will be much bigger problems to worry about.
The key part of this legislation, is that it changes a two-thirds vote requirement to a simple majority. Which means that the budget no longer needs to be a bipartisan effort. Which ever party has the slight majority, can tax and regulate to their hearts content.
But here’s the key point: The reform proposal would restrict programs from being created or expanded unless there was money to pay for them.
Evidently the writer of this editorial has never seen politics, American style. The federal government has a pay-as-you-go law. Nobody pays any attention to it. Any time they want to spend more than they have, they just use their simple majority to over ride the pay-as-you-go.
Which means, that this legislation is supposed to sucker every one into believing this is a good thing. When in reality this is a very bad thing.
Aren't you glad we have a government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians?
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