
Monday, March 1, 2010

Health Care Deform: Pelosi Encourages Opposing The Will Of The People.
White House: Simple up-or-down vote on health care
The White House called for a "simple up-or-down" vote on health care legislation Sunday as Speaker Nancy Pelosi appealed to House Democrats to get behind President Barack Obama's chief domestic priority even it if threatens their political careers.

The Health Care Deform bill will threaten their political careers. All the democrats have to do is open their eyes. Barack Hussein Obama has been campaigning heavily for the Health Care Deform bill. His approval rating has plummeted. From an overwhelming majority supporting him, Barack Hussein Obama now has an overwhelming majority opposing him. All the democrats that Barack Hussein Obama has campaigned for have lost their elections. The remaining democrats that haven't retired in fear, are concerned that voting for the Health Care Deform bill will end their career. What many of the democrats are not even thinking about is, that with this much opposition, not only will the be ending their careers by voting for the Health Care Deform bill, they may well be ending the democratic party as an organization with any public support.

A simple up-or-down?

With the senate and the congress unable to agree on the details of the Health Care Deform bill, some might think that this horrendous assault on the freedom of the American people might be a dead issue. But leave it to the corrupt minions of the evil overlord to find a way around this. Even though the congress hates the bill that the senate democrats passed, they will still be able to pass it. While they will not be able to create and pass a new bill because they no longer have the majority needed to pass a new bill. The theory is that if the congress accepts the senate bill, no matter how bad it is (and it is bad), they will be able to amend it with a simple majority. They are right.

In a sober call to arms, Pelosi said lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public. "We're not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress," she said. "We're here to do the job for the American people."

Actually, Pelosi is here to do a number on the American people. The Health Care Deform bill is a special interest riddled monstrosity designed to allow the federal government to eventually take over the entire health care industry. There is nothing good in this abomination of a bill for the American people, the health industry or anyone other the socialists and the special interest groups that wrote it, and the bribes included in to to subvert the politicians who would otherwise oppose this bill.

Most politicians are NOT in office to help the American people. Most politicians are in office to continue accepting bribes from special interest groups. They need to get reelected to stay attached to the gravy train.

Pelosi said that "in a matter of days" Democrats will have specific legislative language on health care to show to the public and to wavering lawmakers. She predicted voters will warm up to the bill once they understand its details.

Pelosi is ignoring the fact that whenever the truth of any of the prior Health Care Deform bills hit the public sector, there was overwhelming disgust and disapproval. Considering how much of the bill was written by special interest groups with no interest in helping the public, I don't expect the public reaction to the same warmed over tripe to be any different.

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