
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Amnesty For Illegal Aliens Will Solve The Unemployment Problem.
New Immigration Bill Is Introduced in House

Isn't it obvious how granting amnesty to illegal aliens will help solve the unemployment problem? When you add millions more people to the welfare rolls, the number of people on unemployment will seem much smaller.

At least that is what the politicians in Washington D.C. (District of Crooks) seem to think.

Of course while granting amnesty to any illegal aliens the government will be solving multiple problems with a single solution.

If everyone sneaking over the border is legal, then there us no need for a fence to keep them out (save money on construction). And therefor no need for any kind of border patrol (save money on salaries). At which point the Department of Homeland Insecurity will be able to focus on the real problem in this country, the returning American military and other undesirables (people who believe in the constitution and the bill of rights).

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