
Friday, December 18, 2009

California Plan To Reduce Unemployment Rate. Force All Job Seekers To Give Up Looking.,0,189608.story
California's unemployment rate shrinks - but so does the number of jobs

Evidently, when enough people give up looking for work, this is considered a drop in the unemployment rate.

Isn't the government amazing when they come up with their calculations.

So, if ignoring people who have given up looking for work improves the unemployment rates, then I have a modest proposal. Why don't we force the few remaining California businesses to close or leave the state. Then all we need to do is keep going for a few years until all the unemployed have given up any hope of getting a job, and we will have reduced the unemployment to zero.

Of course, we will have millions on welfare, but they won't count against unemployment.

Unemployment problem solved.

Don't you just love government logic!

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