
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Democrats Support Bribery. Republicans Starting To Oppose Bribery.
APNewsBreak: 13 AGs threaten suit over health care

While Democrats continue to support bribery as a way of life for politicians, republicans are starting to object.

A week ago, 7 Attorney Generals thought accepting a bribe to vote for the Health Care Deform bill was unconstitutional. 43 evidently thought that politicians accepting bribes to vote for a particular piece of legislation was legal.

Today 13 Attorney Generals thought accepting a bribe to vote for the Health Care Deform bill was unconstitutional. 37 evidently still think that politicians accepting bribes to vote for a particular piece of legislation was legal.

It seems like even breaking the law follows the party line. All the Attorney Generals who think accepting a bribe is unconstitutional are all republicans. Which makes sense, as the bribes are only being offered to the Democrats.

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