
Friday, December 18, 2009

Medicare Fraud Encouraged By Government
Medicare halts payments to Miami psychiatrist

Do you think that the federal government cares about abuse and fraud?

Not if they don't have to pay for it. And they don't. They will just raise our taxes to pay for any screwup on their part. Although I suppose they could also reduce our benefits. In either case, they will probably get a raise for a job poorly done.

In an effort to prove they are not incompetent, and to prove that they are not collaborating with the fraudster, the government will investigate a doctor for fraud. Especially if someone will tell them that the fraud has been ongoing for years. I suppose we should be happy it was not a government whistle blower reporting the problem, or the whistle blower would likely be harassed and fired for exposing government incompetence.

Of course, some of the more skeptical among you might wonder how a doctor who has been prescribing drugs to 150 patients per day, 7 days per week, for years, might not get noticed by the department that is supposed to care about this kind of thing. But I suppose it would be hard to notice someone who is prescribing drugs at a rate which is twice as high as everyone else in the program.

Fortunately, with this kind of oversight and care, I am sure the new health care deform bill will do everything the that the government is fraudulently claiming it will.

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