
Friday, December 18, 2009

Incompetent Teachers Rewarded With Smaller Classes
Bill sets state's plan for failing schools

After decades of supporting incompetent teachers, the state of California is starting to think that maybe the solution to this problem might be to allow parents to pull their students out of that class or school and move them someplace else.

Although having a school full of teachers and no students might seem reasonable to the state of California, there might be some taxpayers (if they haven't all been chased out of state) that might disapprove of this.

I have to wonder why, after decades of non-education in the school system, what caused the state of California to change their minds about a better education for students?

The answer is, they still don't care. However, they think if they put forth some plan that won't improve the situation, but looks like it might improve the situation, they can get part of the millions the federal government will be wasting as part of their rewarding businesses that fail plans.

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