
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Obama Supports Defrauding Government And Criminal Activity.
Exclusive: ACORN Qualifies for Funding in Senate Health Care Bill

Barack Hussein Obama was very upset when ACORN, the communist group he is a member and supporter of, was caught defrauding the federal government and committing other crimes. What was even worse, some politicians even managed to get the federal funding revoked for this group. Luckily for Barack Hussein Obama, the zombie politicians (democrats who will do anything Barack Hussein Obama says) have managed to slip into the Health Care Deform bill a provision to allow funding to be siphoned off back to ACORN.

However, I wouldn't worry about ACORN getting their funding back. There are so many other heinous provisions in the Health Care Deform bill that allowing ACORN to get more federal funding is of minor importance compared to the rest of the destruction to be visited on the American people by this bill.

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