
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lawmakers Concerned With Spending, Contemplate Raises For Themselves.
Lawmaker wants to split legislative sessions

Evidently, back in 1966 politicians thought they weren't wasting enough taxpayer money, so they made working in the legislature a full time job. Now, after decades of spending every tax dollar collected, and borrowing against future tax dollars, the legislature has finally noticed they were short of money. But don't worry. They have a solution. Excessive taxes should probably solve the excessive spending problem.

Guess what? It didn't solve the problem. It turns out, as the taxes get higher, businesses and people flee the state, thus reducing the tax basis, and thus reducing the amount of taxes collected.

Now that the citizens are looking to get a proposition on the ballot that would make the legislature part time, the politicians have finally noticed they have a problem, and have decided that maybe they better think about ways of not spending so much.

But like all other government ideas, will the legislature's solution be too little to late?

Will the part time legislature initiative be needed to fix the problems that the full time legislature created?

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