
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Time Magazine Honors Incompetence And Dishonesty,28804,1946375_1947251,00.html
Person of the Year 2009

It is easy to understand why Time Magazine would honor Ben Bernanke.

Back in 2007, Ben Bernanke was busy telling anyone who would listen that there was absolutely nothing wrong with our economy and there was absolutely nothing that could cause a crash.

So is Ben Bernanke being honored for being stupid, or for lying to the American public?

Since Ben Bernanke couldn't spot an economic catastrophe of epic proportions, he obviously is the one to fix it. Don't worry that he doesn't understand the problem. America recently elected as communist-in-chief a man who hates capitalism and has never had a legitimate job in his life. So no matter what Ben Bernanke does, or how badly he does it, he will only receive praise from the White (Red) House for fixing the problem.

After all, according to Barack Hussein Obama, it is possible to have an economic recovery while increasing numbers of businesses close down, joblessness continues growing, and homelessness continues growing.

So it should comes as no surprise that anything that Ben Bernanke pretends to do to help the economy will be praised and rewarded.

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