
Sunday, December 27, 2009

How Can You Tell When Obama Lies About Health Care Deform (Or Anything Else)? His Lips Move.
The massive accounting blunder that should sink health care reform.

But probably won't.

Based on the extravagant claims (if not outright lies) that Barack Hussein Obama is spouting about the Health Care Deform bill currently working it's way through the bowels of the legislative system, he must have hired the Global Warming Fraudsters to doing his accounting for him to prove that spending money equals saving money.

Fortunately for Barack Hussein Obama, most of the media will not report on this fraud or any other lie that Barack Hussein Obama presents to the American public.

Fortunately for Barack Hussein Obama, people who were willing to vote for hope and change, are also willing to accept any other lies the fraud-in-chief wants to hoodwink the American public with.

Unfortunately, the number and position of people who understand the fraud being perpetrated on the American public by Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic party are not enough to counteract this massive Obamanation.

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