
Friday, December 4, 2009

Jobs Summit,0,6857284.story
President Obama holds jobs summit to refocus on economy

It will be interesting to see what the Jobs Summit comes up with. It is well known that Barack Hussein Obama has never had a job a single day in his life. It is well known that Barack Hussein Obama dislikes associating with anyone who has ever had a job. It is well known that Barack Hussein Obama hates capitalism.

What is less well know, is that nobody invited to participate in the job summit has ever created a job. Nobody invited to participate in the job summit knows anyone who has ever created a job. Most of the jobs in this country are created by small businesses. Therefore, small businesses were not invited to this summit. The Chamber Of Commerce keeps track of small businesses. Therefore the Chamber of Commerce was not invited to this summit.

So under the circumstances I don't think there will be any surprises in their conclusions. They will likely decide that this is all Bush's fault. They will likely decide that giving politicians raises will fix the problem. They will likely decide that giving union members raises will fix the problem. They will likely decide that taxing the wealthy will fix the problem. They will likely decide that making the federal, state and local governments hire more people will fix the problem. They may even decide that forcing small businesses to close will fix the problem.

Rather than end on a negative note, I will try to come up with a positive spin on the situation.

I am positive the federal government will do the wrong thing and cause even more of a problem than currently exists.

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