
Sunday, December 13, 2009

The United States Doesn't Want Low Cost Health Care
The Henry Ford of Heart Surgery
In India, a Factory Model for Hospitals Is Cutting Costs and Yielding Profits

It is a good thing we have Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats to prevent us from getting low cost health care.

After all, who would want to pay less for better health care?

Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats don't believe in capitalism and free enterprise, so they would never allow someone who does believe in capitalism and free enterprise to come into our country to provide us with low cost health care. Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats will never change the economic conditions to allow this kind of thing to happen here. Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats much prefer their version of health care deform, with includes much higher costs because of much larger bureaucracies, less care for all because of discouraging more people from becoming health care professionals, and much worse care for all because they will have non-medical personnel making medical health care decisions.

Aren't we lucky we have the Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats watching out for us?

We just need to hope Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats won't make it illegal to leave this country to get the low cost health care that they have promised us, but won't deliver to us.

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